
66 pages 2 hours read

D. H. Lawrence

Women In Love

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1920

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Chapters 1-7Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Sisters”

In Beldover, the sisters Ursula, 26, and Gudrun Brangwen, 25, talk. They are in their father’s house, reunited after Gudrun spent several years in London working as an artist. During their conversation, Ursula embroiders and Gudrun sketches. They talk about whether or not they want to get married; Ursula does not like the idea of marriage, while Gudrun is interested in it and is looking for a husband. Neither of them is interested in having children. Gudrun feels detached from her hometown; she thinks the coal mines and bare countryside are ugly. Ursula, who hates being in the house, suggests they go see a wedding that is taking place in town.

While the sisters walk to the wedding, Gudrun describes the town as ugly, and it makes her feel uncomfortable. Ursula convinces her to walk through a small crowd of people, but Gudrun refuses to go into the church. They watch the wedding from the churchyard. As guests arrive, Gudrun is attracted to Gerald Crich, a coal-mine heir. Ursula notices Hermione Roddice, a beautiful, haughty woman who is infatuated with the best man, Rupert Birkin; they are lovers, but Hermione wants to get married.

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