
66 pages 2 hours read

Steve Sheinkin

Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War

Nonfiction | Book | YA | Published in 2015

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The Ethics of Whistleblowing

Most Dangerous explores the ethics of whistleblowing by questioning whether an individual has the right to release government secrets to the American public. When Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, he was simultaneously celebrated as a hero and condemned as a traitor. The book examines the complex dynamics of how, on the one hand, the government is entitled to keep secrets in the name of national security, but on the other hand, there must be a level of transparency between the government and the American people—this is necessary to allow for a properly functioning democracy and avoid the abuse of power.

When Ellsberg began working at the Pentagon, he knew that the government must keep some secrets as a matter of national security. Furthermore, he understood that exposing government secrets was considered fundamentally unpatriotic. As part of his job, he quickly recognized that the government was “telling Congress and the public only part of the story” regarding Vietnam (31). However, he knew “secrecy was an essential element of military operations” (310). President Johnson argued that an individual “had every right to make his case within the government” (134), but after “a decision has been made, he has an equal obligation to carry it out with all his energy and wisdom” (134). Particularly in times of war and crisis, the American public is expected to rally around their president since doing otherwise would weaken the nation on the international stage and make it more vulnerable to enemies.

On the other hand, Ellsberg came to believe that patriotism does not imply a blind allegiance to one’s country. In fact, he felt that not exposing the Pentagon Papers was “a betrayal of the country he loved” (184). He believed unequivocally that leaking the documents was morally the right thing to do. This belief stemmed from the fact that the study in the Pentagon Papers had very little information related to national security. Rather, it revealed the “pattern of deception” behind the Vietnam War (156); the government was repeatedly lying to the American public and continuing to escalate a deadly war with no path to victory in order to “save face” and avoid admitting defeat. Upon releasing the papers, Ellsberg reminded the American public that the US “is a self-governing country” (244). Government officials, including the president, are elected to represent the people’s will, but this system cannot function effectively if the public doesn’t know what the government is doing. To Ellsberg, the Vietnam War was not the will of the American people, and the government had no justification for continuing the conflict.

Ellsberg believed that the American people and the free press are responsible for monitoring the government and ensuring it continues to do the will of the people. As a teenager, Ellsberg’s father fell asleep at the wheel and drove the car off the road, killing Ellsberg’s mother and sister. Ellsberg used this example as a parallel to show that authority figures sometimes have to be “watched” because they might be “inattentive […] to the risks” (116). This is why he felt his decision to leak the Pentagon Papers was morally right and fully justified.

The Impact of the Vietnam War on American Politics and Society

The US was involved in the Vietnam War for 20 years. The conflict, which was deadly, expensive, and highly unpopular with the American public, marked an entire generation of Americans. From political scandals and iconic peace rallies to the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers, the war in Vietnam forever changed American politics and society. Multiple presidential administrations prolonged the war against the public’s wishes just to avoid the humiliation of defeat, but the huge public uprising against the war allowed the American people to retake their position in American democracy.

The Vietnam War hugely influenced American politics, and American politics also influenced the war. It was the defining issue of both Lyndon B. Johnson’s and Richard Nixon’s presidencies. As president, Johnson dreamed of focusing on domestic issues and creating what he called “the Great Society” (64). However, Johnson’s focus and the country’s resources were drained by the Vietnam War, and since the conflict was unpopular and unsuccessful, it foiled Johnson’s attempt to run for a second term. Later, Nixon won the presidency almost entirely on his promise to end the war in Vietnam, but the conflict also became the downfall of his political career. The Pentagon Papers revealed that the war in Vietnam was fought because of “domestic politics;” it proved that both Johnson and Nixon prolonged and escalated the deadly war to avoid the political fallout of losing the conflict.

Meanwhile, the war also generated political and social chaos in the US. In the words of journalist Philip Caputo, American society was “spinning out of control” (138). The government continued to lie to the American public about what was happening in Vietnam, and this eroded the public’s trust. The country was wracked by massive antiwar protests that often turned violent, resulting in tragedies like the death of student protesters at Kent State University. Daniel Ellsberg also began to appreciate the ramifications of the Vietnam War at home in the US. In a moment of understanding, he was overcome by tears and thought, “We are eating our young” (164). Across the country, “the best young Americans” were being drafted into the military (164), sent to prison for draft evasion, or pouring their energy into the antiwar movement.

The war in Vietnam was also a defining moment for the relationship between the US government and the media. The New York Times’s story about the Pentagon Papers was the first time in US history that the government moved to stop publication by a media outlet protected by the First Amendment. Instead of caving to the government’s censorship, the media declared their independence and affirmed their right to expose government wrongdoing.

Overall, the Vietnam War generated great social unrest in the US. However, the war also allowed the American public and the free press to renegotiate their relationship with the government and restate their role in American democracy.

Personal Integrity in the Face of Political and Social Pressures

At its heart, Most Dangerous tells the story of Ellsberg and his allies who had the courage to do the right thing by releasing the Pentagon Papers to the American public. It also shows that in the face of overwhelming political and social pressures, most people did not dare to stand up for what they knew was right. Instead, they resorted to lies and deception, desperately trying to keep their shortcomings a secret.

The US initially entered Vietnam under the pretense of stopping the spread of communism. Daniel Ellsberg and many of the others he worked with believed in this cause; they were “cold warriors,” and Ellsberg believed that promoting freedom and democracy around the world was a “noble cause.” However, as the war progressed, it became clear to him that the US had “no realistic military path to victory” (160). Upon reading the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg realized that no president had really tried to win the war. Rather, “[e]ach president had done just enough to avoid ‘losing’ South Vietnam before the next election” (160). Men like Secretary McNamara, President Johnson, and President Nixon were under intense social and political pressure to avoid the humiliation of being responsible for the United States’ first wartime defeat. Since they were afraid to look weak or admit failure, they continued a costly and deadly war to “save face.” These men were aware of the moral consequences of their decision; President Johnson suffered from nightmares, and Secretary McNamara often broke down crying in meetings. However, they didn’t have the courage to be honest with the American public.

Ellsberg faced many personal challenges after he decided to release the Pentagon Papers. He initially planned to give them to a member of Congress, but even senators who were openly opposed to the war were unwilling to take the political risk of exposing the classified documents. Ellsberg worried about betraying his friends in the government and being “thrust out from the club of insiders” (163). He was also involved in many of the early plans for combat in Vietnam and supported the conflict for many years, so releasing the study forced him to admit his own role in the “unjust” war.

However, Ellsberg was sure that releasing the Pentagon Papers was the right thing to do, and he was willing to face any consequences to bring the truth to the American people. Everyone involved in the study’s release exhibited great bravery and moral conviction. Patricia Marx risked losing her new husband to prison but encouraged Ellsberg to leak the documents anyway. Reporters, editors, and publishers at media outlets like The New York Times and the Washington Post faced fines, jail time, and the possible destruction of their companies. However, all these individuals stood up for what they believed in despite intense social and political pressure.

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